Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Here's the "rules":

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs (or you can email them to me, if you do not have a blog) You can replace any question that you dislike, with a new question.

B) Tag 8 different people to do this quiz. (I give you permission to break that rule, because I will not be tagging a single soul!) :)

1. How many songs are on your iPod?
I think there may be a walkman (yeah, a tape player one) in the house, but that's about it. I do have a pretty extensive ITunes account, which I'm rather proud of. :)

2. If you could choose a favorite meal, what would it be?
Let's see...soft shell crabs. Yum, yum, yum. A very close second, if not a tie, would be crab legs (all you can eat, of course! -- They're like potato chips - you can't have just one!)

3. Which magazines do you have subscriptions to?
Family Fun (the BEST!), Better Homes and Gardens, House Beautiful, Newsweek, Family Handyman (don't laugh)

4. What is your favorite scent?
Well now, this is a ridiculous question. How can I pick just one!?!?!?! I suppose one of my favorite scents is the ocean air, just as you are driving over the 9th Street Bridge heading into Ocean City. I also love Dreft. My kiddies are 7 and 5, but I still have a bottle in the house and love to use it every once in a while!

5. If you had a million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it?
Ok - if I HAD to spend it on myself (meaning I couldn't put away for the kids future, couldn't buy something for Hubby, etc) I could come up with a few ideas:
1. I need a new light fixture for the second floor landing.
2. I wouldn't mind paying someone to paint that damn trim molding upstairs.
3. Right before every party we ever throw (oh, yes, there are so many of them) I always realize at the last minute that I don't have an ice bucket. I used to have a lovely ice bucket, but we won't say what happened to it (Hubby broke it). I'd buy myself a new ice bucket.
4. Travel, travel, travel
5. I would like my kitchen cabinets to look like they came right out of the Crate and Barrel catalog, rather than the hodge-podge that they are now. Not the cabinets themselves (I already spent my first million on them) -- I'm talking about the dishware inside.

Looking at this list, I'd have to say I'm a pretty easy person to please. :)

6. What is your theme song/saying/motto/mantra?
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.-- Douglas Adams

7. Do you trust easily?
No, not really. I've been burned a couple of times before.

8. Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think?
I'd like to think that I'm pretty darn good at multi-tasking (thinking and acting simultaneously). I can also walk while chewing gum, read a book while blow-drying my hair, and drive a car while changing my pants. (I used to do that rather often in high school - sorry Mom!! :) )

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Yeah, but why be such a downer?

10. What do you most like about yourself?
Another tough one. After a bit of thought I've come up with this: I'm resourceful. (It probably stems from the fact that I'm kinda cheap as well!!) I HATE to spend money on frivolous things, but if I can find a way to make or create a reasonable substitute, then I'm all for it!! I'm also lucky enough to be able to look at something and figure out exactly how it is made. Whether it be sewing, painting, or can always do it cheaper than it is sold in the fancy-dancy catalogs!! Thankfully Hubby is also pretty handy in the workshop, so very often I simply need to draw up a plan and then send him on his way.

11. Is being tagged fun?

Uuuhhhh, yeah, sure. And guess what - tomorrow I'm going to have all my fingernails ripped off by rusty pliers!!! YIPPEE!!! CAN"T WAIT!!!! :)

12. How do you spend your social networking (Facebook, etc.) time?
I've recently discovered Facebook which is a lot of fun. I also enjoy the whole blog thing, as long as I am reading it and not writing it!! :)

13. What have you been seriously addicted to lately?
Making things. Now that I have a whole 2 hours to myself every afternoon, I find I keep having the urge to dabble in little projects. Now if I could only finish one or two of them...

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
She's the "Best"!! Haha - get it? Best Fri Ends?!
She is the exact person you need to see when you are having a "down" day -- all bubbles and joy!!!!! LOVE HER!

15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?

This is sad...Puff the Magic Dragon. Really, I swear. Yeah, I'm a little embarrassed. Yesterday I was looking over the latest Scholastics Book order form and one of the books was Puff the Magic Dragon. It just instantly brought back memories of Miss Resnikoff (my 2nd and 3rd grade teacher) bringing in her guitar and letting us all sing with her. Isn't it crazy how music can trigger such strong memories?

16. What’s your favorite item of clothing?
Ohhh - that's BATHROBES!!!!!! I wear them all the time (even over my regular clothing.) Dear Hubby just gave me a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret for my birthday, and so I went online to see if anything caught my eye. Sadly, the first thing I looked at were the robes. I'm pretty sure that's not what he had in mind!! :)

17. Do you think Rice Crispies are yummy?
I have to be in the mood for them. I'm not a big cookie/cake eater.

18. What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
Hmmm...let's see...I suppose I could take care of both the ice bucket and light fixture! Whoohoo, good day!

19. What items could you not go without during the day?
It's funny that Dodi should mention deodorant, because that is exactly what I was thinking when I read the question. It's a bit of an obsession for me. I have it in the bathrooms, in my purse, in my car, in the kitchen drawer. I could go on, but it might start to scare some people. Now please don't think that I have an odor problem, 'cause I don't, but I would certainly not want to be unprepared if the situation ever arose!

20. What should you be doing right now?
Well, I started these answers last night around 1:30 am - so then I should have been in bed. Now I need to go get the kids from school, but I have about 2 minutes left before they start to think that I've forgotten them!!!!