Monday, July 7, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Well, it's my first blog post!! Bear with me as I try and figure out the whole text/photo layout thing - I'm a newbie here!! :)

Since I'm posting for the first time, I thought it would only be appropriate to share with you another first for the day: We took the kids fishing!! Really, honestly - they are 7 and 5 and they have NEVER been fishing! Much of that might have to do with the fact that I hate to get wet (always a risk factor when fishing), I'm terrified of fish (remind me to tell you stories of me water skiing on the Delaware River back when I was as blind as a bat), and I'm not a huge fan of bugs or worms (both of which are pretty unavoidable). Anyhoo - I suppose the children were pretty tired of casting their Spongebob Fishing Rods in the middle of the backyard, so we figured we might as well give it a try. (Not to mention the fact that trying to entertain the kids for the day at the movies or bowling or miniature golf costs no less than $40.00, but a tub of worms is $2.50 at the 7-11!! :)

On our way we tried to warn the kids that there was a pretty good chance that we would not see any fish. I didn't want to discourage them, but I also didn't want them to be too disappointed if the day was a bust. Oh, how terribly wrong I was!!! My little anglers caught 9 fish!!! Their favorite part, however, was not catching them, but throwing them back in the water and watching them swim away! Actually, I think Ethan's favorite part was digging through the tub of dirt and pulling out the "perfect" worm whenever bait was needed. :)

With the exception of the time that I tried to cast Kathryn's rod and I accidentally let go of it and threw it about 15 feet up river into a mess of weeds and whatnot (sorry Brett!), it was a perfect day. Not only that, but I actually touched both worms and fish today!!! We did, however, have to call it quits when the number of ticks we found outnumbered us. I mean, really, I had already dealt with my dislike of water, fish and worms - it was a bit excessive to ask me to handle bugs as well! :)


Amy said...

I am so proud of you!!! Putting the needs of the children above your own're in the running for the mom of the year! The pics are great. It looks like you all had a great time. I'm sure Ethan was in his glory! Next time you come out this way, bring their rods and they can fish in the pond. Bluegills galore!
Love ya!

dodi said...

wow... fantastic for a first post! And what a wonderful day for the family. Now tell me... is there a rule about looking good while fishing? 'cause I don't think I would look quite as good as you if I were doing that! :-)

Rachel said...

I love it! And I'm jealous of all your pictures and layout. I am so bad at all that. you will have to teach me. Your children are beautiful and it looks like it was a perfect fishing kids have only been fishing like twice and they are all teenagers!

Thanks for sharing your blog with me.


T said...

Hey Mis watch out for that EEL!!!