Friday, September 5, 2008

Things To Do

Ok - so the kids are finally back in school and the chaos of summer days are behind me. I've set some goals for myself for this new school year:

1. I WILL finish painting the wood trim and doors on the second floor of the house. The fact the the blue painters tape has been on there for over a year (ok - closer to 2 years) waiting for me to complete the project causes me some worry: -- Since so much time has passed, the painter's tape may be permanently fused to the wall. Depending on how easily (or not-so-easily) it is removed, I may also have to repaint the walls. Ugh.

2. I WILL clean out and organize my craft room! I'll be sure to put out some advance notice of when I'm starting. Please, if you don't hear from me after a few days - send in the rescue units.

3. I WILL redo the office. With the exception of our bedroom/bath/sitting room, the office is the only room that has not been touched since we moved in over 5 years ago. It was also the only room with wallpaper that didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out. But hey - did it really matter that there was wallpaper - I mean, let's face it, I am currently sitting at a desk that my dear husband bought at a garage sale 11 years ago for $2.00!! I hate to break it to him - but even all the way back then - he got taken!

But before I jump into all those very dreadful exciting tasks, I have but one goal: get up to date with this whole blog thing!!! So...I've finally sat down and unloaded all the pictures from my main camera - all 563 of them. There's Phillies pictures, vacation pictures, first day of school pictures and a ton of kid pictures!! I'm just gonna start throwing some in here every day because these are just too cute not to share!!!

Here's Kat's traditional FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL photo. Eeeks - second grade!!! That makes her the a "big kid" in her school hallway!! Oh - the pride she takes in that! :)

And here's Ethan on his first day of Kindergarten. I'm so grateful that he did not feel any of the anxiety that I was feeling. It was a piece of cake for him! He has afternoon Kindergarten, so I get spend the morning with just him which I really enjoy. We are getting a lot of reading done, and he is becoming quite a savvy Uno player!!!

This is Ethan waiting outside of school on his first day of Kindergarten. On either side of him are his two best friends, Hunter and David. We live in 3 houses right in a row, and their mothers are two of my closest friends. They have basically grown up together as brothers. As luck would have it they were all placed in the same Kindergarten class. I know for a fact that we all warned the school, but apparently they didn't take us seriously. Silly, silly school.


dodi said...

oh, how big they are getting! I cannot believe how fast time goes by. Do you miss these days when you see your children experiencing them? I do... truly!I can hope I capture enough pics and journal enough about it for them to remember too...

Amy said...

What a handsome little man...he's not a baby anymore!!!! It's hard for me to believe that he's in kindergarten ALREADY! And Kat looks so grown up, I can't believe it!! Hope that they're enjoying school! Can't wait to see you guys!

dodi said...

You've fallen into the abyss of the craft room or office, haven't you?? or maybe you're climbing the banister to tackle the painting?

Either way... good luck with your tasks! And check in to let us know your progress! :)